Product Submissions

Stationery Trends accepts and encourages product submissions for editorial consideration in each of its quarterly issues, as well as its annual special issues.

To stay informed on the latest product calls for upcoming issues, be sure to sign up to receive newsletters and product calls. There is a sign up form on the home page of Stationery Trends.

All products submitted for editorial inclusion must be uploaded through the website in order for Stationery Trends to obtain the proper permissions to use the images. Please note that all quarterly issues will have a different product submission link than the special issues. All submission forms will open when we are accepting submissions and will also provide details on the deadline. Once the deadline has passed, the submission form will close until we open up the submission portal again for a future issue.

You can bookmark the submission form for the quarterly publications, so you can check back at your convenience to see if the portal is open for an upcoming issue.

Note: For all specialty issues, please utilize the link provided in the product call that will be sent out when the submission portal opens. Read on for helpful hints on submitting products and also what to have ready ahead of time.

Prior to Submitting

Prior to submitting, identify the products you wish to submit. Preparing this in advance will help save you time.

  • Silhouette-style photos (those having product against white backgrounds) are preferred for Trend Report and Showcase submissions; lifestyle shots may be sent in for consideration to kick off the Trend Report or feature stories.
    • No photo collages please.
  • Please name your image files with the company name and product name.
    • For example: CompanyXYZ_ProductNameXYZ.tiff.
  • Specifications
    • Product name(s) and description(s)
    • Hi-res (300 dpi)
    • At least 7” wide
    • CMYK
    • .tiff, .png or .jpg formats
    • We request that no logos or copy are on the product images
  • Note that hi-res image files need to be submitted via a compressed .zip file with no more than 10 images per compressed file, or via a Dropbox folder or a folder of another file sharing platform such as WeTransfer, Google Drive, or other.
  • Please remember to have these folders shared with Stationery Trends. If you are submitting numerous images, it will save you time if you have all the images named and placed in a file sharing platform. Please have the URL (website link) handy for that folder when you visit the submission form page. 
  • In some cases, Gift Shop Plus may reach out for larger size files for editorial purposes.

Submission Form Instructions

  • Go to the online form:
  • Complete all the required information such as name, contact information, company name (please be sure to write it exactly as you wish it to appear in print), product name and description
  • Please be sure to click which Showcase, Trend Report or Feature you are submitting. You may select more than one.
  • If you have a Dropbox URL, or other file sharing platform link, there is a field to enter it. Simply copy your URL and paste it in this field. If the file contains all your images, you only need to include the link once.
  • If you are submitting a compressed .zip file, please be sure to drag/drop your file into the form or you can click on upload and select the file.
  • Once you have included your image files on the form, be sure to check the permissions forms, any reCAPTCHA boxes (if visible on the form) and then click submit.

Helpful Tips

If you are submitting numerous images, please feel free to place all the images in one Dropbox folder (or other file sharing program), organized by sub-folders with the category you are submitting products for. Additionally, you can include a Word document, PDF, Excel, or CVS file that provides the product names and descriptions. Please be sure that image files are noted on that document so Stationery Trends may easily identify and print the correct product name. To alleviate any confusion, we do request that image file names are submitted with your company name followed by the product name. For example, Company Name_Product Name.jpg (or png, or tiff).

If you have any difficulties or questions on how to submit products for editorial consideration, please feel free to contact our team for more information.